You can Create a Visual CV

 It's simple to make one, and YOU CAN DO IT.

Many people who are not in creative jobs, such as graphic designers, artists, and architects, can use their lack of drawing training as an excuse to avoid drawing-related activities. I've heard people say things like "I can't draw," "I haven't drawn since elementary school," and "I'm just incapable of drawing and don't have the talent," and I've heard them all.

This I can tell you. 
Yes, you will never be able to draw as well as a professional with proper training and years of experience. 
And you probably shouldn't because you already have something else to do. 
No, you can still draw well enough to communicate visually. 
All you need to do is learn how to draw simply or sketch things out. 
The main goal is to make visual objects that resemble the concepts they represent. 
On a level that allows people to quickly interpret them without having to worry about the drawing's low fidelity. 
This level of proficiency can be attained fairly quickly. 

And if you put in enough practise, you'll get better over time.
Step-by-step instructions for creating a visual CV yourselvs or how a Visual CV maker do?

First and foremost, you'll require some materials in order to create your visual CV. 
few sheets of A4 (letter size in the US) regular copy paper and black felt tip pen are all you need. 
In addition, you could use couple of brush pens in different colours. 

Extra colours are for gold-plating and are not really necessary. I usually prefer light grey for shading and bright yellow for highlighting.


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